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  • Parish Clerk

Replacement Bridge National Trust - Stiffkey Parish Council response to recent update

Updated: Aug 17, 2023


Thank you for Victoria Eagan’s updates. we would like to comment and ask the following:

1. Given that the initial timetable has altered, could you please let us know whether completion remains scheduled for Spring 2024?

Moving forward, could we ask that all monthly updates include key dates and milestones and if any changes have been made, what these are and what impact they have on overall timeframe?

2. Despite your assurances, we have yet to receive any information about measures for mitigation to the East of the bridge. You estimate expected footfall over the bridge at between 30-40,000 a year. Currently, this footfall is now going almost entirely to the East of the bridge. Scarring and erosion is already developing, with new paths appearing on the marsh. The threat to the SSSI is also now apparent.

Could you provide a copy of your mitigation plans and a timeframe for when they will be implemented? As above, please include any alterations to timeframe or activities as part of your monthly update.

3. We were both surprised and disappointed that you chose not to consult the Parish Council, or primary stakeholders, about your 'food and beverage offering'. We strongly believe this proposal will not only have a detrimental affect on local businesses but we also feel it is not appropriate for the location.

It will require litter collection, sanitation facilities and eventually repair of the Greenway and the car park itself because of increased vehicular movements. The car park is only fractionally above high tide level, and the risk of damage and wider pollution is commensurately high. We do not believe that the cost of this endeavour will result in a net contribution, financial or otherwise, either to the bridge, the local community, or the environment.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Stiffkey Parish Council

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