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Closure of Blakeney Surgery

Medicine Collection

Article for GVN HMP closure.png

The ICB has asked us to share the following document.

Latest Update on Blakeney Surgery from Blakeney Parish Council - 19 February 2024

Holt Medical Practice have now formally applied to close Blakeney Surgery. This is a great disappointment to Blakeney parish council who, along with other parish councils, our MP and our District Councillor have been campaigning for a restoration of medical services. We know how much people in Blakeney, and the wider community, care about the surgery and we know, too, that readers will share our dismay about the Practice's decision.

Blakeney Parish Council believe the decision to be wrong and we are particularly concerned about the proposals put forward by the Practice for mitigation.  The Practice say they have had some (apparently inconclusive) discussions with local organisations about collection of medication.  Aside from that, all their proposals for mitigation are based on the presumption that patients will travel to Holt.

Blakeney Parish Council believe this is unacceptable. At the very least, the parish council are arguing for medication collection and prescription ordering to be available in Blakeney five days a week. We also want the Practice to offer GP and nurse appointments on two or three days a week, to provide a wellbeing surgery in the community where, for example, diabetic checks could be made and to put in place a community transport arrangement.

A final decision about the future of the surgery is to be made by the Integrated Care Board at a meeting on 23 April.  We believe that the community cares about the outcome of that meeting, so we are asking you to add your voice either by writing to the Integrated Care Board or emailing.  A draft is below. 


This matter will also be the main topic at Blakeney parish council's annual meeting to be held at the village hall on 7 March - please come along.

Suggested text for Letter/Email to ICB

Letters should be addressed to:


Sadie Parker and Debbie Bartlett,  Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

Emails should be addressed to:


Sadie Parker and

Suggested text:

I/ We are dismayed to learn that Holt Medical Practice have formally applied to close Blakeney surgery.  The surgery is essential to those living in the community, many of whom are older and have no access to transport.

I/We are particularly disappointed that Holt Medical Practice have not put forward any meaningful proposals for mitigation.  I/We understand that Blakeney parish council are arguing for medication and prescription services to be available in Blakeney five days a week;  for GP and nurse appointments to be offered on two or three days a week; for a wellbeing surgery to be made available in the community for diabetic checks for example, and for a community transport arrangement to be put in place.

These proposals have my/our full support. I/We ask the Integrated Care Board to reject Holt Medical Practice's proposals for closure or, at the very least, to ensure that realistic proposals for mitigation are put in place.

Latest Letter to the ICB - 15 February 2024

Please click the link to view the latest letter from Blakeney Parish Council to the ICB

Important update 8 February 2024

The ICB are meeting on the 13 February 2024 to discuss the closure. Please download the report for further details.

Correspondence with the ICB

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Letter to Tracey Bleakley - ICB_Page_1.png
Letter to Tracey Bleakley - ICB_Page_2.png

Response to Holt Medical Practice - September

Closure of Blakeney Surgery


The draft report from the Healthwatch Survey on the Future of Blakeney Surgery can be downloaded here

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